March 28, 2007

Progress Report

After seeing the producvtion this week i can be slightly at ease,knowing that we;'ve got everything we need on the time no more filming,capturing etc..Things have progressed leaps and bounds from day 1...which i'm happy about obviously.This week i added an ident to the beginning and i also added a 'scratch' on one of the scenes.We've arranged the voiceover with hopefully all goes well....seeing has this is the last week of editing.........woo..!

March 26, 2007

Progress Report

This week seeing as i've been ill,i mised 2 sessions in the progress for me has been slow although i did my talking head scene which i was quite impressed with seeing has my acting was fantastic..if i say so myself ...this week we have also been finishing off the odd touches adding voice overs and so on..amrit

March 25, 2007

This week has been reallly good at first we didnt do much editing ( hmmm) buh then by the end of the week we got So0o0o0o much donee.... o0o00o0o and we filmed amrits footage again the whole talking head scene it was SOOOOOOOO funnyy pput vaseline n everyfin on her made her cry and we started filming but pooja the lil girl started laughing...well it was funnyyy.... Amrit n crying haha ..... added that to our time line and it looks wikid! kinda impredssed with the work our time line actuallly looks all fulll and we've managed to do quite a bit!...o0o0o n tuesday was well funnyy.. welll piss taking but funnyy.. we lost ALL our vox pops of the timeline which was horrible but then pooji wooji got a bit ticked off( dnt blame her) and she kinda had a go at Mr Babu..l. buh o welll we added it back again... next weeks the LAST weeekkkk...this is were all the stress starts ....1st bloody examzz and now the last week of editing all in one week and on top of that they set us homework.. gosh!! give us a break! anywayyyyy adios!

xXx BaZzA xXX

March 19, 2007

Self Evaluation

Effort -1 I believe i put all my effort in my work.
Punctuality -1 i believe i am always on time especially this term.
Submission and quality of homework -2 i always give my homewrork in on time,maybe could add more to it.
Ability to work independently-1 i am always able to highlight work alone and work independantly.
Quality of writing -2 i need i improve this before entering exam.
Organisation of Media folder -1 eveything is in folders and with dividers and neatly labeled.
Oral contributions in class -2 i mostly contribute to class discussions.
Quality of coursework -2
Standard of Module 3 blog-2 we add to it weekly always trying our best to keep everyone update.

Improve my quality of writing.

March 18, 2007

Oooh yeahh:
another thing,





Progress Report

Oooh only 2 weeks to go! :D Well this week has been pretty good, finally got the white flash sorted out, and it looks pretty good...i think it creates a more shocking effect to the audience which is exactly what we need. The opening is nearly sorted as well just need to add the finishing touches! But as Mr Bush said we need to re do Amrits scene again, with a few extra propps, eg mascara! Also, this week we shud hopefully sort out whos doing the voice over, and what needs to be said so that we can get that done as soon as possible! Cant wait for tuesdays late night editing!!! :D shud be interesting!!

Pooja x

Self Assesment

Attainment: 2 – i would say that I have generally done quite well, and learnt a lot of new aspects of media within the first term, however I feel that in certain lessons I do not learn as much.
Effort: 2 – I try to put effort into all my work, especially homework. However, my class work could be a bit more detailed in terms of note making.
Punctuality: 1 – I make sure that I come to lessons on time, and I’ve attended all the lessons for both teachers (when I am in school)
Submission and quality of homework: 1 – I always hand in my homework the day it was due, and I put effort in all my homework, ensuring that both presentation and content of the work is at the best of my ability.
Ability to work independently: 2 – I think I work fairly well by myself, with out other students and the teacher, however I could try to get to work straight away, making sure I do not waste any time.
Quality of writing: 2 – most of my work is detailed, and is completed to the highest of my ability, however I could improve by taking more detailed notes in all the lessons, which would be more useful for revision.
Organisation of media Folder: 1– all my media work is in a media folder, however some of the work is untidy, and so I could neaten up my notes, and certain handouts given by the teachers.
Oral contributions in class: 2 – I sometimes contribute in lessons, however I can improve this by contributing in all lessons, with both teachers.
Comments & contributions to the Macguffin blog: 3 – I add comments for homeworks, however I do not add any other comments. I could also try to add more detailed comments for the home works.


Try to contribute more in lessons.
Make sure that all my work is presented well, and is put into my media folder.
Put more effort in the work set on the macguffin blog, to ensure it is of high standard.


March 17, 2007


ThIs week has been hard work but hey if u want a A its gotta be done... We've started off well and most of Pooja's stress has gone seen as the thing she wanted most of all in our production was a white flash and im glad she did because it makes our work look WIKID....Thnxx pooji!..we started off well with getting images of abused women..urghh man they are welll scary! and the music too that is just so0o kool and then we decided to go off and film WOMEN posing for us to show the contrast between the abused women and the independent women! our vox pops are well kool aswell and o0o0o one main thing thanks a billion to POOJA n AMRIT are production wont have got far wivoutt the team work wo0oho0o0o got plenty more to do and just 2 weeks left s0o0o lets get working a bit moree and were all looking forward to tuesdayy.. eyy gurlss..stayin skool till 7 GOSH... i hope Mr bush has got my food ready! thnxx to the mentors and Mr Babu and all them people who give us good ideas :D we appreciate it alot! anywayyy... lets get on wiv it!

xXx BaZzA xXx
SeLf EvAlUaTiOn

# Attainment= 2

# Effort= 2
I tend to put alot of effort in everything i do...especially now seen as ive been moved away into a corner with all quiet people who don't talk..apart from rohini! so i have no choice but to work!

# Punctuality= 1
VERY punctual..

# Submission and quality of homework= 1
ALWAYS handed in on matter what...but its not always 100% right...

# Ability to work independently=2
I can work independently but that does get boring at times so i enjoy group work aswell

# Quality of writing= 3
That needs to be improved i guess...but Miss jones will make that happen :D (my english teacher/ media teacher)

# Organisation of Media folder=2
yeah its all up to date...just need to file the work on that silly man *Hitler* and "man with the movie camera" work

# Oral contributions in class=1
i ALWAYS say something in class...

# Quality of coursework= 2
yupp its getting there...started off a bit hmmm butt were confident that its going to turn out to be WIKID!

# Standard of Module 3 blog (Year 12s only)= 2
i enjoyed it....could of warned us on some scenes in "man with the movie camera"... editiingss goin gooddd by the way but yeah this modules going good...

what to improve on:
1) Qualityy of writing

xXx BazZa xXx

March 16, 2007

Progress Report

This week ‘luck’ has been on side. Seeing as we found out how to do the white flash finally! I added some music over the montage sequence, which pooja finished off and we all worked together in producing an opening sequence. This week has been calm, because more things have been added onto the time line which makes us calm knowing that we are not to far behind.WFeedback from Mr.Bush means that we will reshoot my talking heasd scen with a bit of mascara and a few tears to make it look authenitc.. Just 2 weeks to go now and we need all the time available so we shall be in the editing suite whenever we can! Thanks to the mentors. & Mr.Baboo for helping us … Amrit x

March 13, 2007

It's A Womens World....?????

March 12, 2007

.. 5/03/07..
Finally this week things have been getting 'done'.We started plotting things on our time line after logging all out footage and filming is nearly all done !We have collected information on womens abuse and opur prouction looks like we;re getting some where...Than ks to all the mentors who have helped us and given us ideas and paths to go down..where would we be without them?...Hmmm anyway its been hard getting up xtra early and going home late but hopefully i won't fall back on any work ! 3 weeks down...3 to go..x
Amrit xx

March 06, 2007

Progress Report...

Wednesday 26th February:
Well we got started in the editing this week, and have captured all the footage which i must say was extremely tedious! but uhmm yeahh got that done, well we had to familiarise ourselves with the software, but i think we've got the hang of it now... also made a couple of storyboards, trying to figure out the actual structure of the documentary. We've also got all the music that we may want to use, so thats sorted. Next week we will start the actual editing.

Week beginning 5th March: Oooh well we wanted to edit the archive footage, however then found out that we couldnt just get that straight from the internet (bbc) so we then had to go and film that another time. But we've got started on the editing and have got some of amrits scene done...took awhile as we have loads of footage to cut, and we have to be really precise with the cutaways...but looks pretty good!

o0o0o its been a pretty hectic week going into the editing room and having no were to sit (couldnt you have made the room any smaller?).. well we've done ALL the capturing of the footage and erm yeah we've just started off the introduction of the documentary and just exploring Adobe premiere and fingers crossed we should have the introduction finished by the beggining of next week if not the end of this week... oh n by the way thnkkss to our mentorss...RAMNEET:D n BUSHRA:D xXx


WeLlL this week we started editinggg... Mr Bush gave us a bit of a insight of how to use the software ( not dat hard). So we started editing and well its good apart from waking up EARLY n coming school for 8...and when we get on the bus Mr Babu's always on it so we know we can never be late :)... We've strtarded capturing all our footage so far and see how it goes on monday morning....

xXx BaZzA xXx

March 05, 2007

Progress Report

This week was the first week of editing , we had a lesson with Mr.Bush on Monday talking about how to use ADOBE 2.0.After that it was in our hands to add all the Necessary editing for our production.So far we have been to a few sessions after school and before school which means waking up xtra early!Thanks to the mentors, they have made our lifes easy by helping us and giving us the needed ideas... esp Ramneet x

March 03, 2007

Domestic Violence

To show the audience what other aspects our documentary will be dealing with, i thought I'd add some extra information!! :D

Domestic violence is the power of men to control woman by physical force. Because it takes place behind closed doors it is extremely difficult to measure and document. Many woman fail to report violence because they feel they may not be taken seriously or because they are afraid of the repercussions. Acts such as kicking and punching are easily recognized, however behaviour such as threats, verbal abuse, psychological manipulation and sexual intimidation may not be necessarily seen as domestic violence.

Feminists beleive that domestic violence is a problem of patriarchy, and the violence may be an attempt to re-exert and maintain power and control.

  • Although domestic violence is chronically under reported, research estimates that it:
    accounts for 16% of all violent crime.
  • Has more repeat victims than any other crime (on average there will have been 35 assaults before a victim calls the police)
  • Costs in excess of £23bn a year.
  • Claims the lives of two women each week.
  • Is the largest cause of morbidity worldwide in women aged 19-44, greater than war, cancer or motor vehicle accidents.
  • Will affect 1 in 4 women in their lifetime.
