February 10, 2007

PrOgReSs RePoRt On WeEk 05/02/07

This week has been the WORST week so far..lets start with the negative points and work our way up to the positive.. so here goesssss.....
* well firstly when we had to show our footage to the class, we couldnt hear any of the footage so we had to go back to Mr Babu to chek if iit could be heard on ADOBE and it did work...PHEW!
*secondly, we went Ealing on the 6th Feb and realised towards the end that we had recorded over ALL our footage we had filmed so far...yep we were going to cry in the middle of Ealing :(! "were the "bozos" of the class" as Mr Bush would say!
*Most importantly we recorded over our "professionals" part so0o we have go film that footage again! o0o0o n my favourite footage of this boy in year 8 got deleted... it ws well cool!
well we now learnt that before we start to film something we will always make sure the tape is at the right place..

well there were the good parts to this aswell like erm...
* we interviewed many people in ealinggg so we were successful
*i interviwed my gran just before she went back to india and got information on how the life of a woman was in india back in her days... it was a good time to film her as she was sittin there knitting away. This footage is all said in punjabi and we will be adding subtitles to this in our original documentary... this is one of the documentary conventions we will be using!


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