February 26, 2007

Progress Report

The week started off pretty slow, but we actually got alot down! Firstly we got Amrits scene sorted, we were supposed to use the Mini, however this got canceled, but thanks to Basrans lovely friend, we borrowed his car and got the scene filmed! Took quite a few shots as Basran has difficulties driving...haha but yeahh its all good cos we got it done and it looks good! But i think we're gna need to dub over it, because the music didnt come out loud enough! We also got Amrits scene done after her "party" which looks really good!! We filming Pam aswell, she was great, and spoke really confidently, therefore we chosen her to be our second protogonist... we filmed an interview with her, where she spoke about her life and acheivements, which she gained WITHOUT A MAN!! :D and then we filmed her salon while she was working , looking ver professional. We also got some shots of the actual salon and her awards which will look great for the cut aways!! However we have not completely finished filming.... Sir wanted a certain student in the production, however he no longer comes to ghs, so we have to organise a time with him out of school, which may be abit diffcult! We also need to re shoot the interview with Ms Jones, however we couldnt do that during school, as she was busy... so all will be done this week! We have also done all out logs sheets, special thanks to bazza! :D

Pooja x

Progress Report...

Before half term:
Uhmm well this week has been disgraceful! We have not done anything at all! All out interviews seem to getting canceled, we got some footage but this was not suffecient enough! Lets hope we get everything else done next week!!!

February 24, 2007

Well this weeks just been WIKID...well at first we were really behind and upset because all our plans were getting cancelled...butt our praying helped ha ha because that day we got hold of my cousins car..came all the way from uni just to let me drive his car ha ha.. he was actually REALLY worried finkin i'd stall or crash it so i was so careful with it driving all slow but then Amrit complained how i should be fast so i had to go fast lol but that day was one mad Day....o0o0o0o and the most important thing of all we found our second protagonist PAM SURI...a well known beautician (who gets her lot to do her make-up for her while she sits back n relaxes WOW) she was really polite and good so0o we decided to keep her and were going to go back to her to get more :D...well so far so good but theirs more to get but that's all going to be done when we get back to school!


hmmm well this week was alright i guess...didn't get much done.. a few vox pops...went Ealing and did abit of filming but eyy look on the bright side we always got the half -term to fix up on and get filming BIG tym so0o0o ere goes...

xXx BaZzA xXx

February 23, 2007

Progress Reports..

Final week...this week is the last week of rrecording so this half term has been hecticcccc,we've done a few more vox pops to finalise them.We also started recording scenes with me...these being a few shots of me running into a car and bein a drukard...we got these done afta all thhe odds were against us...we also found a better 2nd protangonist which is the partically famous 'Pam Suri'..she has helped us alot in our production and then we felt miracles really did exsist...now all we have to do is edit...wooOohOoo Filming is over.

This week progress has been slow( how suprising), but we got done a few vox pops during mr.bush's media lesson and we went to ealing to get some images of women working and doing daily chores.Let the half term roll on..

February 16, 2007

Test Screening Feedback


  • Media Language (A-E)------: B
  • Conventions (A-E)-----------: B
  • Creativity (A-E)--------------: C
  • Attention to Detail (A-E)---: C
  • Technical Proficiency (A-E)-: C

2. Positive comments

  • (cinematography?)---: "it was good"..."camera work was steady"... "marvelous"..."very good"..."good shots & angles"..."some steady shots"..."good location"..."good angles"..."good shots of people"
  • (mise en scene?)---:"good"..."girlish stuff in the background"..."relevant settings"..."shaky camera-authentic for the documentary"..."bazza's g/m background was good-red knitting, red sofa" ( i didn't even realise dat 1 ha ha shows you were watching our footage carefully!)..."good to show your grandma knitting"..."good shopping centre setting"..."in the town- good setting"..."very good"..."fantastic"
  • (lighting?)---: "absolutely fabulous"..."good"..."very good"..."good lighting"..."good lighting in shopping centre and at the house"
  • (sound?)---: "sound was clear at some points"..."good"..."good in some interviews"...
  • (conventions? matching audience?)---: "towards women- shows good conventions"..."good"..."using different ages/genders- mainly women"..."mainly women showed which is good"...

3. Constructive criticism

  • (cinematography?)---: "bad"..."more close ups"...
  • (mise en scene?)---: "mise en scene at some points was not good"..."bad"..."the mise en scene of the vox pops"..."some backgrounds need to be changed"...
  • (lighting?)---: "a bit dull"..."bad"..."fair lighting"...
  • (sound?)---: "it was a bit loud at times"..."bad"..."sound is low when doing vox pops"..."talking needs to be made more clear"...."sound needed to be higher"...
  • (conventions? matching audience?)---: "bad"..."needs to relate more to women's views"...

  • What else would you (or the target audience) like to see in this production? (scenes? sequences?)
"more creativity"..." various views"..."better sound"..."more updated music"..."show a range of different points of views"..."basrans mum"
  • Suggestions for post-production/editing (music? voiceover? cutaways? montage? cross cutting? titles? slo-mo?)
"voiceovers are needed on basrans g/m"..."more close-up shots"..."more zooms"..."cleare lighting"..."a better voice over"..."use sound and voiceovers"..."music"

xXx BaZzA xXx

February 14, 2007


February 12, 2007

WhAt ArE YoUr ViEwS On OuR BlOg?

1. What do you think of our blog?
  • What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?
  • What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?
2. Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what we could do to make our Practical Production really successful?
  • What other things could we include in the production?
  • How should we go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?
...BE NICE...
xXx BaZza xXx

Progress Report

This week:
Well we havent really got much done this week which is a shame as we planned to get some of the main scenes done.
Firstly, we accidently recorded over our filming, which was soo annoying because it was the scene with the little kids!!! We will need to plan another time to re shoot this scene.
We then went to ealing to finish off our vox pops, which actually went really well as we got some really good people.
On the bright side, Basran filmed her gran, asking about her past life and how woman were back in the days... which is perfect!!!
We also need to re shoot the interview with Ms jones, as when we looked back onto it, this scene did not look right due to the mise en scene, and it did not look professional enough!!
Overall this has been quite a disappointing week.. we did not get enough donee

During the next week
We will definatly re shoot Ms Jones interview
Also film an interivew with amrits mum!!
And Hopefullyyy organise when we can film amrits scene ( at a party)


Progress So Far...

This week the progress of our practical productio0n has been..Slow.We had to re shoot some scenes and re-do a few of our vox pops.We also got some new footage of Basrans grandma..But we nweed to be in a rush because basrans grandma is sadly leaving for India so the scenes need to be at thier best before Tuesday!
Plans for this week:
Start shooting my scenes again
Follow Miss Jones about getting in & out of her car.
Finalising outr vox pops and making sure our lighting and camera work is at its best.


February 10, 2007

PrOgReSs RePoRt On WeEk 05/02/07

This week has been the WORST week so far..lets start with the negative points and work our way up to the positive.. so here goesssss.....
* well firstly when we had to show our footage to the class, we couldnt hear any of the footage so we had to go back to Mr Babu to chek if iit could be heard on ADOBE and it did work...PHEW!
*secondly, we went Ealing on the 6th Feb and realised towards the end that we had recorded over ALL our footage we had filmed so far...yep we were going to cry in the middle of Ealing :(! "were the "bozos" of the class" as Mr Bush would say!
*Most importantly we recorded over our "professionals" part so0o we have go film that footage again! o0o0o n my favourite footage of this boy in year 8 got deleted... it ws well cool!
well we now learnt that before we start to film something we will always make sure the tape is at the right place..

well there were the good parts to this aswell like erm...
* we interviewed many people in ealinggg so we were successful
*i interviwed my gran just before she went back to india and got information on how the life of a woman was in india back in her days... it was a good time to film her as she was sittin there knitting away. This footage is all said in punjabi and we will be adding subtitles to this in our original documentary... this is one of the documentary conventions we will be using!


February 07, 2007


Susan B. Anthony:

The 19th century women’s movement’s most powerful organizer. Together with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony fought for women’s right to vote. She was also very involved in the fight against slavery and the temperance campaign to limit the use of alcohol.

69–30 B.C.

Queen of Egypt and the last pharaoh. She was 17 or 18 when she became queen. Cleopatra was a shrewd politician who spoke nine languages. During her reign, Egypt became closely aligned with the Roman Empire.

Marie Curie:

This physicist was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize — she actually won it twice — and the first woman to earn a doctorate in Europe. Her investigations led to the discovery of radioactivity as well as the element radium.

Ella Fitzgerald:

Considered one of the greatest jazz singers of all time, Ella Fitzgerald was the winner of 12 Grammy Awards and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Indira Gandhi:

As the leader of India, the world’s most populous democracy, Indira Gandhi became an influential figure for Indian women as well as for others around the world.

Helen Keller

A childhood disease left her deaf, mute, and blind. Helen Keller became an expert author and lecturer, educating nationally on behalf of others with similar disabilities.

Mother Theresa:

Founder of a religious group of nuns in Calcutta, India, Mother Theresa devoted her life to aiding sick and poor people throughout the world.

Rosa Parks:

When she refused to give up her seat to a white person on a crowded bus, Rosa Parks set in motion the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a cornerstone of the civil rights movement. She has since been a strong advocate for human rights issues.

Dr. Sally Ride:

The first American woman in space was also the youngest American astronaut ever to orbit Earth.

Margaret Sanger

Founder of the birth control movement in the United States, Sanger also started the organization that became the future Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Margaret Thatcher:

This politician was the first woman in European history to be elected prime minister. Known for her conservative views, Margaret Thatcher was also the first British prime minister to win three consecutive terms in the 20th century.

Harriet Tubman

This abolitionist was born a slave. She eventually became a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad — a system developed by a secret group of free blacks and sympathetic whites to help runaway slaves get to free northern states. Harriet Tubman led more than 300 slaves to freedom.

Oprah Winfrey:

An actress and the host of a highly successful talk show, Oprah Winfrey has won several Emmy Awards. She has started her own TV production company and invested in media projects. She has also been a spokesperson for women's health and family issues and for the prevention of child abuse.

Victoria Woodhull:

First woman to be nominated and campaign for the U.S. presidency. She was nominated by the Women's National Equal Rights Party. Woodhull and her sister were also the first two female stockbrokers on Wall Street.

xXx BaZza xXx


When we speak of women’s work we initially think of the work that women do at home, their unpaid domestic labour. The old catchcry ‘women’s work is never done’ refers to the hundreds of household chores for which women are assumed to take total responsibility. However there is also another sort of ‘women’s work’ – the work done by women in the paid workforce, which is characterised by the fact that it tends to be done only by women. Although the work women perform at home is itself invisible because it is always done away from the public eye, women are seen by society as housewives and mothers and not as paid workers. Women’s unpaid domestic work is seen as primary and paramount, and their workforce participation is therefore reduced to apparent insignificance and social ‘invisibility’.

The social invisibility of women’s paid labour is used to justify paying women lower wages than men. Underlying the conception that housewifery and motherhood constitute women’s primary role is the assumption that they are dependent on fathers and husbands. Thus when women enter the workforce they are not seen as needing the same remuneration as men because they are already ‘sharing’ a man’s wage. Women as individuals are also rendered vulnerable to accepting low wages because they themselves see their paid labour as less significant than their primary task of home-making. As Juliet Mitchell says in Woman’s Estate, ‘Their exploitation is invisible behind an ideology that masks the fact that they work at all – their work appears inessential.'

Thus as long as women are seen primarily as unpaid domestic workers their suppression and exploitation in the paid workforce continues unhindered, since their work has no ideological existence. This ‘invisibility’, in fact, ensures its continuation. Hence it is vital that the real significance of women’s paid labour to society is fully understood, for without this understanding it will remain invisible, and women will remain vulnerable to exploitation as cheap labour.


..Women Who Make A Difference..

Amrit x

February 05, 2007

Progress Report 29/01/07...
This week has been a frantic week, in which we have had quite a few delays firstly our camera was being 'adjusted' and this took 2 of or periods of wednesday.After that our interviews got rescedule twice which made us yet again delayed.Then pooj & Baza went to Ealing in thier free periods which went to wastm,seeing as the infamous 'unclejee',which i have yet to meet was busy....Although when we finally got filiming we shot a few clips of our vox pops,and on Sunday 04/02/07 we filmed our two budding actresses (Nimrut 6 & Palvi 5),shouting out 'BeCaUsE wE'Re wOrTh It' But what we did achieve was our scene in the park,altjhough because we did not like our mise-en-scene we changed into another park..and finally got the tape rolling.
This week we aim to record more footage & vox pops.
Start shooting our scene with involves me..So I'll let out the kate winslet inside me...

February 04, 2007

Progress Report...

Week beginning: 29/01/07

Well our first filming day was supposed to be on the 31st, but Mr Babu decided to take a good couple of hours sorting out our camera... and then we realised he didn't even do anything, he was just checking it... never mind...

It was abit of a disappointment as our interview was canceled, as she seemed to be abit too busy, however that has been rearranged for some time next week. Hopefully we will get that done as soon as possible, as it is essential for our documentary

We then attempted on getting some of our vox pops done as well, and we did actually get some good footage from a few students. One of the main problems we faced with that was the setting, as we did not know where to film them ( as the mise en scene is also very important) Another problem with that was i think we were taking too much time with the filming, and some people we wanted to question would take their time with answering, or even jus deciding whether they wanted to answer the question at all. It was quite irritating to be honest...

The filming of the little kids actually went really well...even though they were quite annoying at times, and didnt do the scenes properly! (ohh well, they're just kids i guess..) We had to change the background setting, as the first park didnt quite look right: the background was too busy therefore there was no focus on the girls and it looked really unclear! We then took them to another park, taking shots in various places. We will pick the shot that looks the best when we start the editing.

Oh yeahh, and we went to ealing, but "unclejee" was also abit busy, so we should be going back there next week to catch an interview with him aswell.. and yes basran you didnt have to say that...but okay i bought a top... and i also made her walk from ealing to southall..! Pretty good though :D

  1. During next week:

    We need to get all our footage for the vox pops sorted out... that shouldnt be too much of a problem.
  2. Hopefully, we will have our interview with our professional..and also a couple of other interviews with some students, ( and unclejee) Oh and it would be pretty good if we got some interviews with the Birk family eg amrits mum and her sisters..!!
  3. Amrits scene.... (acting)


PrOgReSs RePoRt fOr 29-01-07

Welll it's been one hectic week and so farr we've ermmm:

*interviwed a few people
* did some of our vox pop poks fingy
* filmed a clip in which were going to have a few kids shouting and screaming the words "because were worth it!"... we took the girls to the park but the small park was not a good place... so we decided to take a trip to the bigger park in which we filmed many shots... funny day out to the park!
* we wasn't really successfull in interviewin the professional as she was really busy and to arrange another time (just shows how popular she is..so lucky to have a professional!)
* went ealing aswellll but the person we wanted to interview was like come back on monday so0o yeahh.. and then pooja was tempted to buy something so0o she got herself a TOP! and then made me walk ALL the way home from EALING!!!!
