January 28, 2007

The Media Perception

In the media there are two main perceptions of women which have constantly been shown:

"Sex Objects" women are shown to sex objects in the media to be enjoyed by men. For example, the extreme version of this in the "page 3 girls" in newspapers. Mulvey argues that film makers employ a "male gaze" where the camera essentially "eyes up" the female characters. There is a constant ideology sent out for women to "conform"in order to look desirable for men, however men have less of a burden to do this.

"Housewives" the other perception of women is to be a housewive, where she has to stay at home, look after the children and take on all the domestic chores. In this role, women to presented to be very passive, where they do not have many other roles. Women must repy on men for financial support as he is the "breadwinner" in the family.

The media does not show the growing proportion of women who are now going out to work to support themselves, there has also been an increase in the number of single mothers, which shows women do not need men for neither emotional nor financial support.

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