January 30, 2007

...Take One...

This week 29/01/07 we are going to be shooting out first few clips, and starting to put together our production.We have so far,learnt how to use the equipment this being the camera,tripod and microphone.So theres nothing left for us to do but let the tapes roll...

  • First of all we will be
    interviewing a professional, who will talk about feminism, and the role of
    women! This interview will probably be about 5 minutes, but we will edit it
    later on to get the best bits!
  • We will also be interviewing
    other people (students) to get their view as well. Again, this should be
    about 5
    minutes long, as it will be linked to the first
  • Also we might try to film our


January 29, 2007

...Balancing Work & Family....
..Margaret Thatcher..

Margaret Thatcher had had twins before starting her political career. She found it very difficult to be able to work and look after her children - she described how she had to be very strongly motivated to do so.
"Children alter your life completely, you never know how much until you have one. I had twins, they were prematurely born and so in the early days it really required a great deal of attention, and they tug away at your heart strings, and I remember thinking if I don't make arrangements, I will never do it. It was hard and you must be strongly motivated to do it."
Involvement in politics requires financial backing, and Thatcher also needed to fund childcare so that she could work as an MP. Haleh Afshar believes that the support available to Thatcher contributed to her success.
"In terms of success, Margaret Thatcher had the backup, in the sense that she had a man who was willing to pay for her very expensive campaigns but also pay for the childcare that was needed, so she could enter politics as a man and that was very important."
If She can do it..Why can't we...
Amrit x

January 28, 2007

If WoMeN HaD ThEiR WaY....

Militant Feminism

Women shown to have no power, and no status in society. They had to simply rely on men for everything.

This is similar to our own work, as we want to show the changing views in society, showing that women have actually become more powerful and things have now changed!!

Women are under minded in many areas such as the workforce, but even in the household, where they do not even have power with the finance.
In extreme cases women have been physically abused, such as domestic violence within a marriage! There have also been cases of marital rape and date rape, where women have been abused. However they still do not have the courage to report these crimes to the police to having to status within society.

This shows the true reality what certain women must endure. However in our documentary, we want to show this reality, but also the change in women, presented women as strong and independent!!!!!!


The Media Perception

In the media there are two main perceptions of women which have constantly been shown:

"Sex Objects" women are shown to sex objects in the media to be enjoyed by men. For example, the extreme version of this in the "page 3 girls" in newspapers. Mulvey argues that film makers employ a "male gaze" where the camera essentially "eyes up" the female characters. There is a constant ideology sent out for women to "conform"in order to look desirable for men, however men have less of a burden to do this.

"Housewives" the other perception of women is to be a housewive, where she has to stay at home, look after the children and take on all the domestic chores. In this role, women to presented to be very passive, where they do not have many other roles. Women must repy on men for financial support as he is the "breadwinner" in the family.

The media does not show the growing proportion of women who are now going out to work to support themselves, there has also been an increase in the number of single mothers, which shows women do not need men for neither emotional nor financial support.

Stand Up For Your Rights!


January 27, 2007

Getting women to vote
Fri 3 Nov 2006 Nima Elbagir reports on the efforts to draw women out for the November 7 mid-term elections and the impact their participation could have.
They're single, cynical and 20 million of them stayed away from the polls during the 2004 US Presidential elections.
Single women in America, and that includes those never before married as well as divorcees and widows, currently make up the single largest bloc of non-voters and it's a number that continues to grow.
Amrit x

January 23, 2007


For our practical production we have decided to work in-group of three to create a documentary, called ‘It’s a women’s world.’ The title of our production is reflective to our documentary, as it will be aiming to enforce the changes of women in society. We have decided to concentrate on documentary form of our moving image text as we think we can identify more with them,after being educated about them in MODULE 2...Our documentary will beat stereotypes of women & show how women have developed during time & how women are making statement in society.


January 22, 2007

... WoMeN iN cArToOns ...

1. About the text...

What is the text? When was it produced? Who produced/directed it?

This is a Montage sequence of all clips in cartoons which show women as being exploited. It can be shown that it is produced by a women.
Who is the target audience? How do you know?
The target audience is women to show how it is really bad in the way they are presented and this may also be seen by men and kids thinking it is cartoon!
Where would you usually expect to see this text? What channel? Time? etc.

i don't really know were this text would be shown as it was on "youtube"
2. Different features it has...
What is distinctive about its camerawork, editing, sound, mise-en-scene, etc.?

What typical conventions of its genre does it use?
The fact that it is a montage sequence and it shows jus 5 second clips one after the other.
What elements could you appropriate (borrow) for your production?
Well seen as it is such a good way to show that the media show women as "sex object" i would'nt mind using all of the text but this is not possible so0o images of Betty boop and the female in "roger rabbit"


... HoMe MaDe ViDeO ...

1. About the text...

What is the text? When was it produced? Who produced/directed it?
This is a homemade video by a teenage boy. produced and directed by the boy himself.. i wouldn't exactly call him a man as he is so0o0o immature about the way he acts.
Who is the target audience? How do you know?
This would attract the women of all ages and the secondary audience would most likely be the men.

Where would you usually expect to see this text? What channel? Time? etc.
you wouldn't really find this on a channel but its most likely to be on channel 4 the "homemade" programme
2. Different features it has...
What is distinctive about its camerawork, editing, sound, mise-en-scene, etc.?

What typical conventions of its genre does it use?
As it is a homemade informative documentary kind of text.. it definitely shows authenticity with is hand held cameras and the "shaky" affect.
What elements could you appropriate (borrow) for your production?
The elemnts i will be borrowing from this video is the shot in which he tells the girl to go cook and clean in the kitchen.


January 21, 2007

...DuRiNg ThIs WeEk....

Well during this week (starting of 22.01.07) we will TaLk less and do more planning, we'll start by ermmm....

1) Finishing off our storyboards...
2) getting together and finalising the beggining of our documentary...
3) Finding our feminist *hopefully Miss Satnding*...
and doing more research as the week goes by.... o0o0o0o and by updating our blog!

xXx. . .BaZzA. . .xXx

January 20, 2007

... ShOrT OuTliNe ...

Its a womens world, the title for my practical production; an opening to a investigative documentary, in which Amrit, Pooja and Bazza will be aiming to enforce the changes of women in society. This documentary will show how women are victims of the mass media and are shown to be sex objects and housewives along with the views of society who seem to agree with this...our aim is to show that this is no longer a patriarchal society and women have devolped over the years! our primary target audience are teenage girls aged 16-25 and the secondary audience being men for whom we aim to create a MoRaL PaNiC, and show that we are breaking away from the stereotypes of women.

xXx. . . BaZzA . . . xXx

January 17, 2007


...What Is feminism...

Belonging to movements and Ideas which advocate the rights of women to have equal opportunities to those possessed by men.
Amrit x

Summary of the work so far...

Ideas discussed:

In order to produce a successful documentary we need to conform to the conventions:

Archives of news-reports, images, newspaper articles/headlines of relevant issues. We will be using a montage sequence which is fast paced, where each of the newspaper reports will overlap the other, to emphasise how big this issue is in society.

We will be using an interactive/reflexive mode: as young women ourselves we want to enforce our own ideology of feminism. At least one group member should appear in the documentary to create a, more personal effect on the audience.

An interview scene of an expert sociologist will be talking about feminism, facts and statistics will also be used. This will create a sense of professionalism to the documentary.

During the documentary, binary oppositions of two characters will be used. The first character being of the stereotype of women being a "housewife" and the second character being the alternative view of women being "sex objects" therefore conforming to Strauss's theory.

In certain scenes, contrapuntal music will be used, for example a scene of a "housewife" at home, looking after the children, but then using contrapuntal music promoting a view of "independant women" such as Destinys Child. By using this music it will not only create a more powerful image, but also create a sense of humour to the audience.


January 15, 2007

Let 'Womans World' Begin

... OuR PrOdUctIoN iN bRief ...
For our practical production we will be working as a group of three: Amrit, Bazza & Pooja. " Its A Womans World" is about the changes and the portrayal of women, in both the mass media as well as the wider society. We will be producing an investigative documenTary on how women have developed, showing the diverse perceptions of FEMALES, enforcing a message of feminism to the audience. The primary target audience is females between the age of 16-25, however the secondary target audience will also include men, as we aim to pursuade the audience how women have changed.